Uplink Squadron 7 Scales of Envy cover. Woman in armour piloting a space craft.

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Uplink Squadron 7 Scales of Envy cover. Woman in armour piloting a space craft.

Uplink Squadron Audiobook 7: Scales of Envy

A new threat rises. An old one calms.

Through skill, determination, and a good bit of luck, the allies were able to turn away the Overlord attack. Not only were they able to hold them off, but several of the enemy vessels have also been added to their fleet.

But a new enemy, the Legastians, loom. An implacable race with a hive mind and a navy strong enough that even the Overlords—with their immense fleet—were afraid off it.

Can the allies reorganize their fleet in time to defend against this new threat? With the defeat of the Overlord battleship, is peace now possible with them, so that the allies can turn their full attention to the Legastians?

Something will have to change, because—with enemies on both sides—the allies won’t last long.

Whatever the case, one thing is certain…Uplink Squadron remains the tip of the spear.

Experience the 7th entry in the ongoing science fiction series by Dragon Award nominees J.N. Chaney and Chris Kennedy. If you’re a fan of intense action, moving characters, and edge-of-your-seat writing, this is the series for you.

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