Peacemaker Wars 6 audio cover, back view of male figure wearing a scarf, he gazes upon a cityscape with planets in the background
Peacemaker Wars Audiobook 6: Casualties of Consequence
Homeworld Lost 11 audio cover, a starship looms between two tall structures, the sky is painted in tones of gold
Homeworld Lost Audiobook 11: Darkness Falls
Rebel Galaxy 1 audio cover, Wallace wearing white space armor carrying a rifle, side characters appear in bg against a pink and purple sky
Rebel Galaxy Audiobook 1
Backyard Starship 19 audio cover, a large starship hovers in the air above a cityscape, many smaller aircrafts zip nearby
Backyard Starship Audiobook 19: Gone Nova
Backyard Starship Origins 2 audio cover, figure in space suit standing beneath an abandoned spaceship
Backyard Starship: Origins 2 Audiobook
Taken to the Stars 8 audio cover, male figure in armor holds a rifle in the midst of battle, the city burns in the background
Taken to the Stars Audiobook 8: Sanctuary’s End
Homeworld Lost 10 audio cover, Warriors in cyborg armor facing the reader, under fire and returning fire.
Homeworld Lost Audiobook 10: Shining World
Able Bodied Solider 1 audio cover, features a male figure (Titus Briggs) in wheelchair looking upon a high tech mobile combat suit
Able Bodied Soldier Audiobook 1
Star Scrapper audiobook cover, man stands with glowing-pointed lance facing a spaceship
Star Scrapper Audiobook 7: Fractured Consortium
Void Drifter 3 book cover. Will Kaufman standing on a robotic animal.
Void Drifter Audiobook 3
Federation Marine 10 audio cover, female soldier jumping and is reaching for soldier's hand in a helicopter.
Federation Marine Audiobook 10: Recon Marine
Star Scrapper 6 audio cover, fierce female figure in lime green spacesuit, scratches on face
Star Scrapper Audiobook 6: Hunting Extinction

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