Able Bodied Soldier 3 book cover, Titus sits in his wheelchair facing a massive and towering mech
Able-Bodied Soldier Book 3
Android Wars 1 book cover, an android brandishes a rifle in the thick of a space battle, another heavy armored figure wields a flamethrower in the background
Android Wars Book 1
Blue Sun Armada 1 book cover, Duke wears armor standing in front of a large starship surrounded by trees
Blue Sun Armada Book 1
Rebel Galaxy 2 book cover, alien figure with tentacles in the forefront, cast of characters behind
Rebel Galaxy Book 2: Factions
Void Drifter 6 book cover, Will looks in the distance, wearing a dark space suit with red lights, an eclipse-like scene in the background painted in reds, orange, and black
Void Drifter Book 6
Federation Marine 13 book cover, siblings Esther and Noah wield firearms against an unseen enemy, steep cliff and trees in background
Federation Marine Book 13: Blood United
Star Blade 1 book cover, a man wields a sentient sword against a large alien beast with tentacles
Star Blade Book 1
Dane wearing a white battle-hardened space suit holding a rifle
Rebel Galaxy Novella 1.5: Contact
Messenger Corps 4 book cover, a mech lands, several mechs shoot to the ground behind it like comets, preparing to make contact
Messenger Corps Book 4: Final Clash
Star Scrapper 10 book cover, Hank wears armor and a hooded cloak, carrying a spear with an orange glow
Star Scrapper Book 10: Hunter Ascended
Undead Marine 6 book cover, male figure in military garb brandishes rifle towards an alien creature
Undead Marine Book 6: Dead to Rights
Rebel Galaxy 1 book cover, Wallace wearing white space armor carrying a rifle, side characters appear in bg against a pink and purple sky
Rebel Galaxy Book 1: Rebel Galaxy

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