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“There is that, of course, but technology itself is neither good nor evil. It comes down to the person wielding it and what their intentions are.”
J.N. Chaney, Renegade Lost Tweet

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“But living an easy life isn’t the same as being fulfilled. It doesn’t mean you’ll be happy.”
J.N. Chaney, Renegade Star Tweet

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“The greatest thing a man can do is find a way to be useful, to be someone through which others are made better and kept safe, so that when you leave this world, those who knew you, and indeed the world at large, is made better because you were alive.”
J.N. Chaney, Renegade Earth Tweet

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About J.N. Chaney

J. N. Chaney has a Master’s of Fine Arts in creative writing and fancies himself quite the Super Mario Bros. fan. When he isn’t writing or gaming, you can find him in the Renegade Readers Facebook Group.
The Facebook group is full of fans as well as universe authors who love to discuss the books and other related topics. You’ll see Chaney pop in with regular updates, random thoughts, and more.
Head over there now and be welcomed as a Renegade Reader.