Star Scrapper

Star Scrapper Books

Scruffy looking man in military jacket and scarf in foreground, holding a black cube
Star Scrapper Book 1: Star Scrapper
Woman warrior in form fitting armor with ninja mask and katana sword
Star Scrapper Book 2: Hunter's Rise
Star Scrapper Book 3 Rebel Intelligence cover. Man in armour, without a helmet, holding laser weapon, looking at the reader, surrounded by a red firy scene.
Star Scrapper Book 3: Rebel Intelligence
Star Scrapper 4 Deadly Ghosts cover. Hank pierces an enemy bot with a lance while floating in the sky.
Star Scrapper Book 4: Deadly Ghosts
Star Scrapper 5 Inquitisor's Wrath book cover.
Star Scrapper Book 5: Inquisitor's Wrath

Star Scrapper Audiobooks

Scruffy looking man in military jacket and scarf in foreground, holding a black cube
Star Scrapper Audiobook 1: Star Scrapper
Woman warrior in form fitting armor with ninja mask and katana sword
Star Scrapper Audiobook 2: Hunter's Rise

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